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Financial & Business Knowledge

Excellence in Academics

We must continue to improve and provide students with the best possible education while recognizing the burden our taxpayers face.   

  • ​Ensure funding is focused on educational outcomes and measurable results 

  • Spent 8 years building and promoting transparency and accountability. 

  • Depth of understanding and change maker for state and national education funding models

  • Ensure every child has access to the highest quality education 

  • Empower students, teachers, parents & the community to participate in School District decision-making 

  • Create a safe and secure environment for students to learn

  • Promote balanced educational opportunities for all students

Steward Leadership

  • Lead by example; here to serve the students, the parents & the entire community

  • Hold myself and peers accountable for student- centered policies and actions from the classroom to the board.

  • ​Centered, balanced leadership and no tolerance for unethical behavior. 

Committed to Community Involvement & Engagement

  • Engage the community with open, public forums

  • Continue to be an active community member, in support of our schools and families

  • Passionate advocate for all residents of the district

I will continue to work diligently, so every child has the opportunity for success while ensuring the district remains fiscally viable and uses all resources efficiently.  I am interested in hearing from everyone in our district, not just those who have students in our schools.  I am interested in learning what is good and what you would like to see as improvements in academics and student opportunities. A board member provides the most impactful benefit when we work together.   


If you’d like more information on Mary's vision & how you can support her candidacy, please reach out!

Positions & FAQ

I personally support the levy. This is the first levy that is 100% dedicated to improving student outcomes and has a detailed road map on how the district will spend the money. Levy 2024 - Prior Lake Savage Area Schools ( 2024


I have fought hard to improve reading, add reading interventionists, improve the math curriculum, increase counselors in all schools, fought for funding to reduce class sizes in core curriculum, and have fought for and succeeded in adding more experiential learning opportunities. As one of seven board members, I have always spoken up and will continue to do so for the benefit of our students, families, our community and our future. 


I support curricular STEM/STEAM. Students should not have to choose between STEM and Sports, students should not have to stay after school to do what other districts offer as electives.




I am proud that I was not approached and did not accept any endorsement from Moms for Liberty or Minnesota Parents Alliance.


I am not accepting any organizational endorsements. The teacher's endorsement was a vote by all teachers (union and non-union), no organizational endorsement were offered or accepted. Historically, I have not accepted or received any organizational endorsement for any previous election. Our community should feel confident that no board member has competing loyalties and votes on facts, not politics.


I am not running in a block of candidates. I have never run in a block of candidates. You will not see my literature or signs look the same. I am a true independent. 

I strongly support the new math curriculum. One of my degrees was in Math. The new curriculum is different. I ask the community to give it a chance. Some of the top schools in our state adopted the curriculum have had experienced excellent results. 


Since 2012, PLSAS had to reduce the class schedule to the least expensive model, eliminating secondary home room and the opportunity for STEM/STEAM electives. I hope to continue to rebuild trust in the district to re-enable class choices and restore a rigorous, holistic curriculum. The levy will not accomplish this, but it is a step in the right direction.


I do not support any book bans. I do not support the organizations (i.e. Moms for Liberty) that are working to sue states and school districts to eliminate Title IX or remove PLSAS from the Minnesota High School League (MSHSL). The League is vital for everything from One Act Play to Girls Larosse and all sports and activities in between. 


PO Box 28
Prior Lake , MN 55431


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